What is Hatha Yoga?

Hatha Yoga

My class style is Hatha classical yoga with a Iyengar twist. I like to use props to assist in poses , as everybody is different…

Hatha yoga is a classic form of Yoga, where you breathe with the movement. 

We use props such as wooden blocks, belts, and ropes to help you to achieve perfection in any yoga sequence. Using props promotes a more grounded supported feeling - helps open up the body and stretch. Depending on what we want to achieve in a pose and release. I provide all the required equipment for everyone in my classes.

The class begins working from the feet up and the inside to out. We work together on the correct alignment of the skeleton and improving the muscle elasticity, giving an all-over balance and stability to the joints, ligaments, and muscles. 

A general class caters to all levels, I offer modifications for all the postures, and a class consists of meditation, Asana (postures), Pranayama (Yogic Breathing), Yogic Philosophy, and savasana (relaxation).


 Learning to sit in stillness and learning to go within and focus on the breath.

  • Meditation does not make the mind dull. Rather, in meditation the mind is still but razor sharp, silent but vibrant with energy. but this state cannot be reached without a firm , stable sitting position, where the spine ascends and the mind descends and dissolves in the consciousness of the heart, where the true Self reveals itself… B.K.S. IYENGAR


Pranayama calms and strengthens the mind & creates a feeling of internal space. It generates a store of energy in the body. once the lungs are strong, it increases there capacity. It consists of three types of control of the breath : Inhalation (Puraka), exhalation(recaka) & retention (kumbhaka). In these processes the breath is extended, expanded & refined ….

Alternate nostril breathing, humming bee breath, are great practices we use when breathing that promote wellness and happiness. Breath is life, When we get stressed or anxious, our breath may become shallow, which then starves our brain & body of oxygen. Breath is life. Prana is our life force energy.


The sequence of poses and postures opens up the body and gently stretches our muscles, ligaments and skeleton. We synchronize this with our breathing.

  • ‘If you look after the root of the tree, the fragrance & flowering will come by itself. If you look after the body, the fragrance of the mind & spirit will come of itself… ‘ B.K.S. IYENGAR

Yogic Philosophy

Yoga is a unique blend of theory of knowledge & practical application in the exercises. The meaning of Yoga is union or yoking to unite… In Yoga Philosophy the union is between the individual soul & the universal soul. The indivdual has to search for the divine within, & Yoga provides the systematic steps to achieve this…Understanding the ancient practice of yoga and incorporating the eight limbs of Patanjali yoga sutras. Patanjali’s work of 196 sutras embraces all the branches of Yoga & understanding the stages of the mind…


Guided savasana, reaching a deeper sense of conscious relaxation.

‘The mind is drawn to surrender to the Infinite One. This surrender, by breaking the chain of distracting thoughts, increases the intensity of one’s concentration ‘. B.K.S.IYENGAR

Harmonious, happy & healthy.